The Victim

Annie’s life is in jeopardy after she’s witnessed the horrific rape and murder of her closest friend. Fleeing from two attackers (Ryan Honey, Denny Kirkwood) she stumbles across Kyle, a recluse living in the middle of the woods. Kyle finds the stillness of the woods comforting. The ruggedly handsome loner stays far from civilization – that is – until a single knock on his door throws his solitary life into chaos. Two worlds collide in this psychological thriller that will make you question your trust in mankind.

Enter Nowhere

Three strangers arrive one by one to a mysterious cabin in the middle of nowhere after enduring separate life-altering predicaments. Searching for a way out of the woods, frustrated, hungry and battling to stay warm they discover their mysterious connection and realize what they have to do in order to get out of the woods alive.


Random car trouble and aid from a good Samaritan aren’t what they seem, much to ex-drug addict Lance’s growing horror. Retribution for a past injury is the name of this peculiar stranger’s game as he violently, callously and torturously dismantles Lance’s life bit by bit. Desperate yet unsuccessful, Lance tries to recall what harm he brought to this particular man (which will end this game), confessing to other misdeeds that prompt his tormentor to seek out and retrieve the injured parties to share in his vengeance. With body parts running out, it’s a wonder if Lance will ever recall the correct transgression that started it all before only his life remains.